†Gallinuloides wyomingensis Eastman 1900 (fowl)
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Reptilia - Galliformes - Gallinuloididae
Belongs to Gallinuloides according to G. Mayr and I. Weidig 2004
See also Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Lambrecht 1933, Mayr 2009, Shufeldt 1915, Wetmore 1940 and Wetmore 1956
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: MCZ 342221, a skeleton (complete skeleton). Its type locality is 18-inch-layer, F1-locality, which is in a Lostcabinian lacustrine - large limestone in the Green River Formation of Wyoming.
Ecology: volant herbivore
Distribution: found only at 18-inch-layer, F1-locality
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