Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Prionorhynchiidae
Alternative combinations: Rhynchonella plicatella, Rhynchonella plicatilis, Terebratula plicatella
Belongs to Sphenorhynchia according to X. Shi and R. E. Grant 1993
See also Buckman 1917, d'Orbigny 1850, Kiessling 2009 and Simon 2000
Sister taxa: Sphenorhynchia angulata, Sphenorhynchia asymmetrica, Sphenorhynchia aviformis, Sphenorhynchia bugeysiaca, Sphenorhynchia ferryi, Sphenorhynchia glaronensis, Sphenorhynchia latereplanata, Sphenorhynchia matisconensis, Sphenorhynchia multicostata, Sphenorhynchia plicatelloides, Sphenorhynchia subplicata, Sphenorhynchia tatiensis, Sphenorhynchia theresiae, Sphenorhynchia varicostata, Sphenorhynchia zraigensis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Chideock (Sowerby coll.), which is in a Bajocian marine horizon in the United Kingdom
• Cretaceous of Mozambique (1 collection)
• Jurassic of Afghanistan (1), France (1), the United Kingdom (4)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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