Insecta - Dicondylia - Phyloblattidae
Full reference: A. V. Martynov. 1930. On two new Orthopteroid insects from the Permian deposits of the gov. of Perm. Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie 8:35-47
Belongs to Kunguroblattina according to J. Schneider 1983
See also Martynov 1930 and Vishnyakova 1965
Sister taxa: Kunguroblattina decora, Kunguroblattina elongata, Kunguroblattina latimarginata, Kunguroblattina microdictya, Kunguroblattina minima, Kunguroblattina schmitzi
Type specimen: PIN 1316/1, a tegmen. Its type locality is Barda II (PIN collection 1361), which is in a Kungurian deltaic siliciclastic in the Koshelevka Formation of the Russian Federation.
• Permian of the Russian Federation (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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