Fredszalaya hunteri Shockey and Anaya 2008 (metatherian)

Mammalia - Sparassodonta - Borhyaenidae

Full reference: B. J. Shockey and F. Anaya. 2008. Postcranial osteology of mammals from Salla, Bolivia (Late Oligocene): form, function, and phylogenetic implications. Mammalian evolutionary morphology: a tribute to Frederick S. Szalay 135-157

Belongs to Fredszalaya according to B. J. Shockey and F. Anaya 2008

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UF 172501, a partial skull (Partial skull with partial upper dentition (right P3-M1, roots of right C-P2, and left M2-4) associated vertebral and costal fragments and the left calcaneum)

Ecology: scansorial carnivore

Distribution: found only at Upper Salla Beds ( of Bolivia)

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