Barameda mitchelli Holland et al. 2007 (lobe-finned fish)

Osteichthyes - Rhizodontida

Full reference: T. Holland, A. Warren, Z. Johanson, J. Long, K. Parker and J. Garvey. 2007. A new species of Barameda (Rhizodontida) and heterochrony in the rhizodontid pectoral fin. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(2):295-315

Belongs to Barameda according to T. Holland et al. 2007

Sister taxon: Barameda decipiens

Type specimen: NMV PI60880, a partial skull (a partial skull and mandibles, preserved as impressions ). Its type locality is Vertebrate fossil assemblage 9, which is in a Tournaisian channel sandstone in the Snowy Plains Formation of Australia.


Distribution: found only at Vertebrate fossil assemblage 9

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