Rhynchonellata - Athyridida - Meristellidae
Full reference: I.F. Nikitin, L.E. Popov, and L.E. Holmer. 1996. Late Ordovician brachiopod assemblage of Hiberno-Salairian type from central Kazakhstan. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 118(2):83-96
Belongs to Nikolaispira according to I.F. Nikitin et al. 1996
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: CNIGR 44/12888, a shell (complete shell). Its type locality is F-1014. Sortan-Manai salt marsh, Betpak-Dala desert, mud mound, which is in a Katian reef, buildup or bioherm floatstone in the Dulankara Formation of Kazakhstan.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at F-1014. Sortan-Manai salt marsh, Betpak-Dala desert, mud mound
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