†Carpenteroptera onzii Pinto 1990 (winged insect)
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Insecta - Cnemidolestodea - Spanioderidae
Full reference: I. D. Pinto. 1990. A new Upper Carboniferous paraplecopteran insect from south Brazil. Pequisas 17:7-10
Belongs to Carpenteroptera according to I. D. Pinto 1990
Sister taxon: Carpenteroptera rochacamposi
Type specimen: UFRGS MP-I-6608, a forewing. Its type locality is Fazenda Juca, Anitapolis, which is in a Kasimovian/Gzhelian terrestrial shale in Brazil.
Distribution: found only at Fazenda Juca, Anitapolis
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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