†Fluctuodon necmergor Debuysschere 2017 (mammaliaform)
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Osteichthyes - Therapsida - Kuehneotheriidae
Full reference: M. Debuysschere. 2017. The Kuehneotheriidae (Mammaliaformes) from Saint-Nicolas-de-Port (Upper Triassic, France): a Systematic Review. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 24:127-146
Belongs to Fluctuodon according to M. Debuysschere 2017
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: MNHN.F.SNP 127 L, a tooth (upper left molar). Its type locality is Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, which is in a Rhaetian fluvial-lacustrine sandstone in the Grès à Avicula contorta Formation of France.
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
Distribution: found only at Saint-Nicolas-de-Port
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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