Mistralazhdarcho maggii Vullo et al. 2018 (pterosaur)

Reptilia - Pterosauria - Azhdarchidae

Full reference: R. Vullo, G. Garcia, P. Godefroit, A. Cincotta, and X. Valentin. 2018. Mistralazhdarcho maggii, gen. et sp. nov., A New Azhdarchid Pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Southeastern France. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 38(4):1-16

Belongs to Mistralazhdarcho according to R. Vullo et al. 2018

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MMS/VBN.09.C.001, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Velaux-La Bastide Neuve, which is in a Campanian fluvial claystone in France.

Ecology: volant piscivore

Distribution: found only at Velaux-La Bastide Neuve

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