Insecta - Coleoptera - Nitidulidae
Full reference: W. E. Shuckard. 1839. Elements of British Entomology; Containing a General Introduction to the Science; a Systematic Description of all the Genera of British Insects; a Nomenclature of the Species Hitherto Recorded as British, with a History of their Transformation, Habits, Economy, and Distribution; on the Figures of their Families, their Larvae and Pupae; an Explanation of all the Technical Terms used in the Course of the Work; and Full Directions for Collecting 1-240
Parent taxon: Cryptarchini according to A. G. Kirejtshuk and A. Nel 2018
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Cryptarcha semiglobosa
Distribution: found only at Menat (MNT collection) (Paleocene of France)
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