Ravenictis krausei Fox and Youzwyshyn 1994 (carnivoran)

Mammalia - Carnivora

Full reference: R. C. Fox and G. P. Youzwyshyn. 1994. New primitive carnivorans (Mammalia) from the Paleocene of western Canada, and their bearing on relationships of the order. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(3):382-404

Belongs to Ravenictis according to R. C. Fox and G. P. Youzwyshyn 1994

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UALVP 31175, a tooth (right M1). Its type locality is Rav W-1 Horizon, which is in a Puercan terrestrial sandstone/conglomerate in the Ravenscrag Formation of Canada.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore-omnivore

Distribution: found only at Rav W-1 Horizon

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