†Karakoromys decessus Matthew and Granger 1923 (gundi)
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Mammalia - Rodentia - Ctenodactylidae
Full reference: W. D. Matthew and W. Granger. 1923. Nine new rodents from the Oligocene of Mongolia. American Museum Novitates 102:1-10
Belongs to Karakoromys according to B.-Y. Wang and P.-Y. Wang 1991
See also Wang and Qiu 2004
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: AMNH 19070, a mandible. Its type locality is Loh, which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in the Hsanda Gol Formation of Mongolia.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Oligocene of China (9 collections), Mongolia (10)
Total: 19 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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