Thairoplax pelta Cherns 1998 (chiton)

Polyplacophora - Paleoloricata

Full reference: L. Cherns. 1998. Silurian polyplacophoran molluscs from Gotland, Sweden. Palaeontology 41(5):23-31

Belongs to Thairoplax according to L. Cherns 1998

Sister taxa: Thairoplax birhombivalvis, Thairoplax merriami

Type specimen: RM Mo159.901. Its type locality is Möllbos 1. 3150 m west of Sjonhem Church., which is in a Homerian carbonate limestone/limestone in the Halla Beds Formation of Sweden.

Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal grazer

Distribution: found only at Möllbos 1. 3150 m west of Sjonhem Church.

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