Rostroconchia - Ribeirioida - Technophoridae
Full reference: J. Pojeta, J. Gilbert-Tomlinson, and J.H. Shergold. 1977. Cambrian and Ordovician rostroconch molluscs from Northern Australia. Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bulletin 171:1-54
Belongs to Pleuropegma according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Pojeta et al. 1977
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is Locality 8. NT 187. Ross River bank, 3.2 kilometers south of Loves Creek Homestead (now Ross RIver Resort), which is in a Payntonian carbonate limestone in the Goyder Formation of Australia.
Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Locality 8. NT 187. Ross River bank, 3.2 kilometers south of Loves Creek Homestead (now Ross RIver Resort)
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