Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Full reference: H. Filhol. 1890. Descripion d'un nouveau genre d'insectivore provenant des dépots de phosphate de Chaux du Quercy. Bulletin Societé philomatique de Paris 8(2):176-177
Belongs to Myxomygale according to J.-Y. Crochet 1974
See also Filhol 1890
Sister taxa: Myxomygale asiaprima, Myxomygale engesseri, Myxomygale gracilis, Myxomygale hutchisoni
Type specimen: MNHN Qu 8682, a mandible (with p4-m2). Its type locality is Phosphorites du Quercy (old collections - Oligocene), which is in an Oligocene/Oligocene karst phosphorite in the Quercy Phosphorites Formation of France.
Ecology: fossorial insectivore
• Oligocene of France (1 collection), Germany (2)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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