Aves - Accipitriformes - Accipitridae
Belongs to Buteo according to A. Wetmore 1956
See also Miller and Sibley 1942 and Wetmore 1940
Sister taxa: Buteo (Triorchis), Buteo ales, Buteo antecursor, Buteo brachypterus, Buteo buteo, Buteo contortus, Buteo dananus, Buteo dondasi, Buteo fluviaticus, Buteo fuscescens, Buteo grangeri, Buteo hoffstetteri, Buteo jamaicensis, Buteo lagopus, Buteo lineatus, Buteo nitidus, Buteo platypterus, Buteo pusillus, Buteo quadratus, Buteo regalis, Buteo rufinus, Buteo sanfelipensis, Buteo solitarius, Buteo spassovi, Buteo swainsoni, Buteo typhoius
Type specimen: Its type locality is Aphelops Draw Quarries, which is in a Hemphillian terrestrial horizon in the Snake Creek Formation of Nebraska
Ecology: volant carnivore
Distribution: found only at Aphelops Draw Quarries
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