Tribe Didelphini Crochet 1979 (opossum)

Mammalia - Didelphimorphia - Didelphidae

Parent taxon: Didelphinae according to J. L. Patton et al. 1996

See also Hooker 1986, Krishtalka and Stucky 1983 and Krishtalka and Stucky 1983

Sister taxa: Chacodelphys, Didelphis, Hyladelphys, Metachirini, Mirandaia

Subtaxa: Chironectes Hyperdidelphys Lutreolina Philander Thylophorops

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Ecology: scansorial omnivore-carnivore


• Quaternary of Argentina (5 collections), Bolivia (1), Brazil (3), Panama (1), Peru (1)

• Pliocene of Argentina (29)

• Huayquerian of Argentina (8)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Argentina (1)

• Miocene of Argentina (3), Brazil (1)

Total: 53 collections including 72 occurrences

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