†subfamily Beyrichitinae Spath 1934 (ceratite)

Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Ceratitidae

Alternative spelling: Beyrichitidae

Full reference: L. F. Spath. 1934. Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History), Part IV, The Ammonoidea of the Trias. 1-521

Parent taxon: Ceratitidae according to A. Vörös 2018

See also Astakhova 1976, Balini 1992, Balini and Marchesi 2018, Fantini Sestini 1996, Ji and Bucher 2018, Kummel 1969, Shevyrev 1995, Spath 1934, Tozer 1981 and Tozer 1994

Sister taxa: Bugunzhites, Bulogitinae, Ceratites thuringiacus, Ceratitinae, Eutomoceras, Nevaditinae, Paraceratitinae, Parinaia, Peripleurocyclus, Popinites

Subtaxa: Aghdarbandites Anagymnotoceras Arctogymnites Beyrichites Billingsites Chiratites Dixieceras Eofrechites Eogymnotoceras Esinoceras Eudiscoceras Favreticeras Frechites Frechitoides Gangadharites Guexites Gymnotoceras Hollandites Kocaelia Lardaroceras Nicholsites Nicomedites Parafrechites Philippites Pleurofrechites Pseudohollandites Schreyerites Serpianites Trachyornites Tuchodiceras

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Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Triassic of Afghanistan (1 collection), Austria (8), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Cambodia (1), Canada (86: Alberta, British Columbia, Nunavut), Chile (1), China (13), Germany (1), Greece (6), Greenland (1), Hungary (101), India (12), Iran (5), Israel (1), Italy (36), Japan (4), Malaysia (1), Nepal (2), Papua New Guinea (5), Poland (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (106), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (42), Switzerland (7), Thailand (2), Turkey (54), Ukraine (1), United States (262: Nevada), Vietnam (2)

Total: 764 collections including 1132 occurrences

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