Reptilia - Pseudosuchia - Stagonolepididae
Synonym: Acompsosaurus Mehl 1915
Full reference: R. A. Long and K. L. Ballew. 1985. Aetosaur dermal armor from the Late Triassic of southwestern North America, with special reference to material from the Chinle Formation of Petrified Forest National Park. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 54:45-68
Parent taxon: Desmatosuchinae according to W. G. Parker 2016
See also Desojo et al. 2013, Hay 1930, Heckert and Lucas 1999 and Huene 1942
Sister taxa: Acaenasuchus, Adamanasuchus, Desmatosuchini, Neoaetosauroides, Scutarx
Subtaxa: Calyptosuchus wellesi
Ecology: herbivore
• Triassic of United States (45: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas collections)
Total: 45 collections each including a single occurrence
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