Hypercoryphodon thomsoni Osborn and Granger 1932 (pantodont)

Mammalia - Cimolesta - Coryphodontidae

Full reference: H. F. Osborn and W. Granger. 1932. Coryphodonts and uintatheres from the Mongolian expedition of 1930. American Museum Novitates 552:1-16

Belongs to Hypercoryphodon according to H. F. Osborn and W. Granger 1932

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: A. M. 26384, a skull (a splendidly preserved skull with all cheek teeth and alveoli of incisors and canines). Its type locality is Houldjin Gravels (1930 AMNH), which is in a Houldjinian terrestrial gravel in China.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at Houldjin Gravels (1930 AMNH)

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