Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Zalambdalestidae
Full reference: S. Zan, C. B. Wood, G. W. Rougier, L. Jin, J. Chen and C. R. Schaff. 2006. A new "middle" Cretaceous zalambdalestid mammal from a new locality in Jilin Province, northeastern China. Journal of the Paleontological Society of Korea 22(1):153-172
Belongs to Zhangolestes according to S. Zan et al. 2006
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Jilin Univ. Geol. Mus. Ya1.23.i, a mandible. Its type locality is Shanqian, Liufangzi, Gongzhuling quarry, which is in an Aptian/Albian fluvial-lacustrine mudstone/sandstone in the Quantou Formation of China.
Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore
Distribution: found only at Shanqian, Liufangzi, Gongzhuling quarry
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