Proteoceras tyronensis Foerste 1912 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Orthocerida - Proteoceratidae

Alternative combinations: Orthoceras tyronensis, Sactoceras tyronensis

Synonym: Sactoceras josephianum Foerste 1933

Belongs to Proteoceras according to R. C. Frey 1995

Sister taxa: Proteoceras moniliforme, Proteoceras perkinsi, Proteoceras pulchrum

Type specimens:

  • Proteoceras tyronensis: USNM 87109. Its type locality is High Bridge, Tyrone Fm., which is in a Rocklandian shallow subtidal limestone in the Tyrone Limestone Formation of Kentucky.
  • Sactoceras josephianum:

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Ordovician of Canada (1: Ontario collection), United States (3: Kentucky, Tennessee)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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