Subfamily Gerbillinae Gray 1825 (gerbil)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Muridae

Alternative spellings: Gerbillidae, Gerbillina

Full reference: J. E. Gray. 1825. An outline of an attempt at the disposition of Mammalia into Tribes and Families, with a list of genera apparently appertaining to each Tribe. Annals of Philosophy, new series 10:337-344

Parent taxon: Muridae according to S. J. Steppan et al. 2004

See also de Bruijn et al. 1970, Geraads 1980 and Gray 1825

Sister taxa: Abditomys, Afrocricetodontinae, Allorattus, Anthracomys, Apodemus, Apomys, Arvicanthis, Bullimus, Castillomys, Castorina, Castromys, Centralomys, Chiropodomys, Colomys, Dasymys, Deomyinae, Echymina, Extrarius, Gerbua, Grammomys, Hapalomys, Huaxiamys, Huerzelerimys, Hydromina, Hyomys, Karnimata, Kritimys, Lemniscomys, Limnomys, Mastacomys, Micromys, Mikrotia, Murina, Murinae, Myocricetodontinae, Myotomys, Mysops, Nesokia, Occitanomys, Orientalomys, Papagomys, Paraethomys, Parapelomys, Parapodemus, Parotomys, Pelomys, Praomys, Proceromys, Progonomys, Rhabdomys, Rhagamys, Rhagapodemus, Rhagomys, Saccostomus, Saidomys, Spalacinae, Steatomys, Stephanomys, Tachyoryctoidinae, Tarsomys, Thallomys, Thamnomys, Valerimys, Zelotomys

Subtaxa: Epimeriones Gerbillurus Gerbillus Meriones Pseudomeriones Tatera

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• Quaternary of Algeria (7 collections), Cote D'Ivoire (1), Ethiopia (3), Georgia (1), Greece (1), Israel (8), Italy (1), Kenya (3), Morocco (7), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (7), Sudan (2), Syria (1), Tajikistan (2), Tanzania (6), Tunisia (1), Zambia (5)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Kenya (1), South Africa (2)

• Pliocene of Afghanistan (1), Armenia (1), China (2), Ethiopia (5), India (2), Kazakhstan (1), Kenya (3), Morocco (2), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (1), Tanzania (3), Turkey (1)

• MN 13 of Greece (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Ethiopia (1), Greece (2), Morocco (1)

• Miocene of Afghanistan (1), Austria (2), Greece (9), Namibia (1), the Russian Federation (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Turkey (2)

Total: 106 collections including 142 occurrences

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