Hyolitha - Hyolithida - Nelegerocornidae
Full reference: V. V. Missarzhevsky. 1980. Early Cambrian mongolian hyolitha and gastropoda. Paleontological Journal 15(1):18-25
Belongs to Microcornus according to V. V. Missarzhevsky 1980
Sister taxa: Microcornus egregius, Microcornus eximius, Microcornus parvulus, Microcornus petilus, Microcornus pinyuis, Microcornus simus
Type specimen: GIN 4297/7, a shell. Its type locality is Sample 179, Bayan-Gol, which is in a Lenian marine horizon in the Salanygol Formation of Mongolia.
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cambrian of Germany (1 collection), Mongolia (2)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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