†Taxidea taxus marylandica Gidley and Gazin 1933 (American badger)
Mammalia - Carnivora - Mustelidae
Alternative combination: Taxidea marylandica
Full reference: J. W. Gidley and C. L. Gazin. 1933. New Mammalia in the Pleistocene fauna from Cumberland Cave. Journal of Mammology 14(4):343-357
Belongs to Taxidea taxus according to C. A. Long 1964
See also Gidley and Gazin 1933, Gidley and Gazin 1938, Hall 1936 and Kurten and Anderson 1980
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: USNM 7990, a partial skeleton (skull, jaws, eleven vertebrate, and proximal half of the right humerus). Its type locality is Cumberland Cave, which is in an Irvingtonian cave horizon in Maryland.
Ecology: semifossorial carnivore-omnivore
Distribution: found only at Cumberland Cave