Strombina neustrasenorae Maury 1917 (snail)

Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Columbellidae

Full reference: C. J. Maury. 1917. Santo Domingo type sections and fossils. Bulletins of American Paleontology 5(30):1-43

Belongs to Strombina according to C. J. Maury 1917

Sister taxa: Strombina (Arayina), Strombina (Costangula), Strombina (Lirastrombina), Strombina (Recurvina), Strombina (Sinuina), Strombina (Spiralta), Strombina (Strombina), Strombina ambigua, Strombina bassi, Strombina fusiformis, Strombina lanceolata, Strombina matima, Strombina pseudohaitensis

Type specimen: Holotype (no number), a shell

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Strombina neustrasenorae in the database

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