Stenolaemata - Cyclostomata - Stomatoporidae
Full reference: A. K. Guha and K. Gopikrishna. 2007. Cyclostoma Bryozoa from the (Eocene) Lutetian of western Kachchh, Gujarat. Journal of the Geological Society of India 69:1271-1278
Belongs to Stomatopora according to A. K. Guha and K. Gopikrishna 2007
Sister taxa: Stomatopora arachnoidea, Stomatopora bajocensis, Stomatopora dichotoma, Stomatopora dichotomoides, Stomatopora gracilis, Stomatopora granulata, Stomatopora lata, Stomatopora longicauda, Stomatopora melvillei, Stomatopora pedicellata, Stomatopora recurva
Type specimen: GSI 21162, an other
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Eocene of India (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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