Clade Neognathostomata Smith 1981 (sea urchin)
Full reference: A. B. Smith. 1981. Implications of lantern morphology for the phylogeny of post-Palaeozoic echinoids. Palaeontology 24:779-801
Parent taxon: Microstomata according to A. Kroh and A. B. Smith 2010
See also Kiessling 2003 and Smith 1981
Sister taxa: Desorellidae, Galeropygidae, Hyboclypus, Pygorhytis
Subtaxa: Apatopygidae Archiaciidae Bothryopneustes Cassiduloida Clypeasteroida Clypeidae Clypeolampadidae Echinolampadoida Nucleolitidae Pygaulidae
Ecology: epifaunal grazer-deposit feeder