Aporrhais (Aporrhais) da Costa 1778 (snail)

Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Aporrhaidae

Parent taxon: Aporrhais according to O. Mandic and F. F. Steininger 2003

Sister taxa: Aporrhais biangulata, Aporrhais clarendonensis, Aporrhais dingdenensis, Aporrhais drachuki, Aporrhais dutrugei, Aporrhais gracilis, Aporrhais gregaria, Aporrhais occidentalis, Aporrhais pespelecani, Aporrhais pugens, Aporrhais rapax, Aporrhais semilaevis, Aporrhais sowerbii, Aporrhais speciosa, Aporrhais uttingeriana

Subtaxa: none

Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal detritivore


• Pliocene of Greece (2 collections)

• Miocene of Germany (43), Greece (2), the Netherlands (2)

• Eocene of Bulgaria (1)

• Paleocene of Greenland (1)

Total: 51 collections each including a single occurrence

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