Mammalia - Cetacea - Balaenopteridae
Alternative combinations: Balaena cuvierii, Balaenoptera acutorostrata cuvierii, Balaenoptera cuvieri, Balaenoptera cuvierii, Cetotherium (Cetotheriophanes) cuvierii, Cetotherium cuvieri, Plesiocetus cuvieri, Plesiocetus cuvierii, Rorqualus cuvieri
Synonym: Cetotherium (Cetotheriophanes) cuvieri Brandt 1873
Full reference: J. B. Fischer. 1829. Synopsis Mammalium 1-752
Belongs to Protororqualus according to F. G. Marx 2011
See also Bisconti 2007, Bisconti 2009, Bisconti and Bosselaers 2020, Bisconti and Francou 2014, Boitard 1844, Bosselaers and Post 2010, Brandt 1873, Brandt 1874, Caretto 1970, Cuscani Politi 1961, Deméré 1986, Deméré et al. 2005, Fischer 1829, Gervais 1855, Kellogg 1928, Kellogg 1931, Pavsic and Mikuz 1996, Pictet 1853, Pilleri 1987, Trouessart 1898, Trouessart 1904, Van Beneden 1875 and Van Beneden and Gervais 1868
Sister taxa: Protororqualus dyticus, Protororqualus wilfriedneesi
Subtaxa: Balaenoptera cuvieri portisi
Type specimens:
- Protororqualus cuvieri: Its type locality is Monte Pulgnasco, which is in a Piacenzian carbonate limestone in the Monte Giogo Formation of Italy
- Cetotherium (Cetotheriophanes) cuvieri:
Ecology: aquatic suspension feeder
• Pliocene of Italy (1 collection)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of the Netherlands (1)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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