Parastraeopora chmeliki Eliasova 1974 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia

Full reference: H. Eliasova. 1974. Hexacorallia et octocorallia du Paleogene des Carpates externes [Paleogene corals of the Outer Carpathians]. Sbornik Geologickych Ved, Palaeontologie 16:105-156

Belongs to Parastraeopora according to H. Eliasova 1974

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Its type locality is Holy vrch (U majaku), Kurdejov, Submenilitic Formation, Moravia, which is in an Eocene reef, buildup or bioherm limestone/conglomerate in the Submenilitic Formation of the Czech Republic

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal microcarnivore-photosymbiotic

Distribution: found only at Holy vrch (U majaku), Kurdejov, Submenilitic Formation, Moravia

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