Democricetodon minor gracilis Fahlbusch 1964 (rodent)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae

Alternative combination: Democricetodon gracilis

Full reference: V. Fahlbusch. 1964. Die Cricetiden (Mamm.) der Oberen Süßwasser-Molasse Bayerns (Cricetids of the Upper Freshwater Molasse of Bavaria). Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften; mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse; Abhandlungen, neue Folge 118:1-136

Belongs to Democricetodon minor according to V. Fahlbusch 1964

See also Mein and Freudenthal 1971

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: BSP 1959 II 247, a tooth (m1 inf. dext.).

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Miocene of France (3 collections), Germany (17), Greece (2), Spain (1), Switzerland (8)

Total: 31 collections each including a single occurrence

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