Riphaeolites magnus Sharkova 1981 (tabulate coral)

Anthozoa - Favositida - Cleistoporidae

Full reference: T. T. Sharkova. 1981. Siluriiskiye i devonskiye tabulyaty Mongolii [Silurian and Devonian Tabulata of Mongolia]. Trudy Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditisiya [Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition] 14:5-104

Belongs to Riphaeolites according to T. T. Sharkova 1981

Sister taxon: Riphaeolites zogtensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Tsakhir-Khalgain-Nuru, Tsogt area, which is in a Siegen reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Tsogt Formation of Mongolia

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic

Distribution: found only at Tsakhir-Khalgain-Nuru, Tsogt area

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