Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Postepithyrididae
Alternative combinations: Epithyris subsella, Habrobrochus subsella, Lophrothyris subsella, Moeschia subsella, Sellithyris subsella, Terebratula subsella
Belongs to Xestosina according to P. Hantzpergue et al. 2004
Sister taxa: Xestosina arguta, Xestosina portlandica, Xestosina sera, Xestosina suprajurensis, Xestosina thurmanni
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Jurassic of Bulgaria (1 collection), Eritrea (3), Ethiopia (6), France (1), Germany (1), Iran (1), Kenya (2), Madagascar (1), Mexico (1), Poland (3), Portugal (1), Somalia (5), Spain (1), Switzerland (6), Tunisia (6), Yemen (4)
Total: 43 collections including 44 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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