Gnathorhiza noblensis Olson and Daly 1972 (lungfish)

Osteichthyes - Dipnoi - Gnathorhizidae

Full reference: E. C. Olson and E. Daly. 1972. Notes on Gnathorhiza (Osteichthyes, Dipnoi). Journal of Paleontology 46(3):371-376

Belongs to Gnathorhiza according to E. C. Olson and E. Daly 1972

See also Schultze 2004

Sister taxa: Gnathorhiza bogdensis, Gnathorhiza bothrotreta, Gnathorhiza dikeloda, Gnathorhiza lozovskii, Gnathorhiza otschevi, Gnathorhiza pusilla, Gnathorhiza serrata, Gnathorhiza tatarica, Gnathorhiza triassica

Type specimen: UCLA VP 2939, a skull


Distribution: there are no occurrences of Gnathorhiza noblensis in the database

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