†Paleodentalium Gentile 1974 (tusk shell)
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Scaphopoda - Dentaliida - Dentaliidae
Alternative spelling: Dentalium (Paleodentalium)
Parent taxon: Dentaliidae according to P. D. Reynolds and G. Steiner 2008
See also Gentile 1974
Sister taxa: Antalis, Coccodentalium, Compressidentalium, Dentalium, Eodentalium, Eudentalium, Fissidentalium, Graptacme, Lentigodentalium, Minodentalium, Paradentalium, Pictodentalium, Plagioglypta, Schizodentalium, Striodentalium, Tesseracme
Subtaxa: Paleodentalium kansasense
Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal deposit feeder
Distribution: found only at Scaphopod and associated specimines from the Wyandotte LS of Eastern Kansas (Carboniferous of Kansas)
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