Leiorhynchoidea laevis Cloud 1944 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Petasmariidae

Full reference: P. E. Cloud. 1944. Part III: Permian brachiopods, in Geology and paleontology of the Permian area northwest of Las Delicias, southwestern Coahuila, Mexico. Geological Society of America Special Paper 52:49-69

Belongs to Leiorhynchoidea according to P. E. Cloud 1944

See also Wardlaw et al. 1979

Sister taxa: Leiorhynchoidea amygdaloidea, Leiorhynchoidea cloudi, Leiorhynchoidea rotundidorsa, Leiorhynchoidea scelesta, Leiorhynchoidea schucherti, Leiorhynchoidea sulcata, Leiorhynchoidea variabilis

Type specimen: YPM S-2734. Its type locality is King 8, Bed 14, La Difunta section, Las Delicias, which is in a Wordian marine shale in the Palo Quemado Formation of Mexico.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Mexico (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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