Cephalopoda - Prolecanitida - Medlicottiidae
Alternative combination: Medlicottia burckhardti
Synonym: Eumedlicottia guadalupensis Plummer and Scott 1937
Full reference: E. Böse. 1919. The Permo-Carboniferous ammonoids of the Glass Mountains, west Texas, and their stratigraphic significance. Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Bulletin 1762:1-241
Belongs to Eumedlicottia according to T. B. Leonova 2002
See also Böse 1919, Miller 1944, Miller 1945, Miller and Furnish 1940, Nassichuk 1977, Plummer and Scott 1937 and Zheng and Chen 1979
Sister taxa: Eumedlicottia bifrons, Eumedlicottia kabiensis, Eumedlicottia nikitini, Eumedlicottia primas, Eumedlicottia subprimas, Eumedlicottia verneuili, Eumedlicottia whitneyi
Type specimens:
- Eumedlicottia burckhardti: Its type locality is Near junction of Road and Gilliam canyons, which is in a Roadian carbonate limestone in the Road Canyon Formation of Texas
- Eumedlicottia guadalupensis: Its type locality is Guadalupe Canyon north of Williams Ranch, which is in a Wordian carbonate limestone in Texas.
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 32.9
• Permian of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), China (1), Mexico (5), United States (14: Texas)
Total: 21 collections each including a single occurrence
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