Archaeocyatha - Ajacicyathida - Ajacicyathidae
Full reference: D. V. Osadchaya, L. N. Kashina, I. T. Zhuravleva and N. P. Borodina. 1979. Stratigrafiya i arkheotsiaty nizhnego kembriya Altaye-Sayanskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Lower Cambrian stratigraphy and archaeocyatha of the Altay-Sayan fold belt]. Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoye Otdeleniye 380:1-215
Belongs to Nochoroicyathus according to D. V. Osadchaya et al. 1979
Sister taxa: Nochoroicyathus diadromus, Nochoroicyathus hollardi, Nochoroicyathus howelli, Nochoroicyathus oblongus, Nochoroicyathus salutensis, Nochoroicyathus sunnaginicus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Krutoy Log, Sukhie Solontsy bioherm, Batenevskiy Ridge, unit 1, which is in an Atdabanian reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Usa Formation of the Russian Federation
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cambrian of the Russian Federation (14 collections)
Total: 14 collections each including a single occurrence
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