Glossothyropsis magna Cooper 1953 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Notothyrididae

Full reference: G. A. Cooper. 1953. Sponges, Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, and Scaphopoda. Permian fauna at El Antimonio, western Sonora, Mexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 119(2):21-80

Belongs to Glossothyropsis according to G. A. Cooper 1953

Sister taxa: Glossothyropsis carinata, Glossothyropsis cryptacanthoides, Glossothyropsis immatura, Glossothyropsis juvenis, Glossothyropsis polita, Glossothyropsis rectangulata, Glossothyropsis robusta, Glossothyropsis sinuata, Glossothyropsis superba

Type specimen: USNM 115526. Its type locality is USNM806h, Cerros de los Monos, El Antimonio, Sonora, which is in a Wordian marine limestone in the Antimonio Formation of Mexico.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Mexico (9 collections)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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