Promopalaeaster spinulosus Miller and Dyer 1878 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Hadrosida - Promopalaeasteridae

Alternative combination: Palaeaster spinulosus

Synonym: Palaeaster longibrachiatus Miller 1878

Full reference: S. A. Miller and C.B. Dyer. 1878. Contributions to palaeontology (descriptions of Cincinnatian and Niagaran fossils). Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History 1:24-39

Belongs to Promopalaeaster according to C. Schuchert 1915

See also Miller 1878 and Miller and Dyer 1878

Sister taxa: Promopalaeaster bellulus, Promopalaeaster dyeri, Promopalaeaster elizae, Promopalaeaster granulosus, Promopalaeaster magnificus, Promopalaeaster meridionalis, Promopalaeaster prenuntius, Promopalaeaster speciosus, Promopalaeaster wykoffi, Anorthaster miamiensis

Type specimens:

  • Promopalaeaster spinulosus: Holotype MCZ 108060
  • Palaeaster longibrachiatus: Holotype at the United States National Museum.

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Promopalaeaster spinulosus in the database

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