Protaster stellifer Ringueberg 1886 (brittle star)

Ophiuroidea - Oegophiurida - Protasteridae

Full reference: E.N.S. Ringueberg. 1886. New genera and species of fossils from the Niagara shales. Buffalo Society of Natural Science, Bulletin 5:1-22

Belongs to Protaster according to C. Schuchert 1915

See also Ringueberg 1886

Sister taxa: Protaster bicatenulata, Protaster groomi, Protaster piltonensis, Protaster salteri, Protaster sedgwickii, Protaster ubaghsi, Bohemura jahni, Bohemura granifer, Urosoma hirudo

Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal detritivore-suspension feeder


• Silurian of United States (2: New York collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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