Strophomenata - Productida - Productidae
Alternative combinations: Muirwoodia mammata, Muirwoodia mammatus, Productus (Linoproductus) mammatus, Productus mammatus
Synonym: Yakovlevia paragreenlandica Lee and Gu 1980
Full reference: A. Keyserling. 1846. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora Land im Jahre 1843 1-465
Belongs to Yakovlevia according to J. I. Tazawa and H. Araki 2017
See also Brabb and Grant 1971, Chao 1931, Harker 1960, Kalashnikov 1993, Keidel 1906, Keyserling 1846, Lee and Gu 1980, Licharew and Kotlyar 1978, Liu and Waterhouse 1985, Stehli and Grant 1971, Tazawa 1999 and Tschernyschew 1902
Sister taxa: Yakovlevia anterospinosa, Yakovlevia artiensis, Yakovlevia baiyinensis, Yakovlevia borealis, Yakovlevia californica, Yakovlevia complanata, Yakovlevia convexus, Yakovlevia costellata, Yakovlevia deminutiva, Yakovlevia dimorpha, Yakovlevia duplex, Yakovlevia dzhiremulensis, Yakovlevia geniculata, Yakovlevia greenlandica, Yakovlevia hessorum, Yakovlevia immatura, Yakovlevia indentata, Yakovlevia intermedia, Yakovlevia kaluzinensis, Yakovlevia mammatiformis, Yakovlevia multistriata, Yakovlevia paramammata, Yakovlevia sulcata, Yakovlevia talotica, Yakovlevia taxiensis, Yakovlevia timanica, Yakovlevia transversa, Yakovlevia unsinuata, Yakovlevia zyriankensis, Muirwoodia yujiagouensis
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Canada (3: British Columbia, Nunavut collections), China (7), Japan (1), the Russian Federation (7), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), United States (23: Alaska)
• Carboniferous of United States (2: Alaska)
Total: 44 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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