Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Desmoceratidae
Parent taxon: Desmoceratidae according to F. Ahmad et al. 2015
See also Arkadiev et al. 2000, Kennedy 1993, Kennedy and Christennsen 1993, Kennedy and Kaplan 1995, Kennedy et al. 1973, Kennedy and Summesberger 1987, Klinger 1985, Matsumoto 1959, Summesberger 1979 and Ward and Kennedy 1993
Sister taxa: Barremitinae, Bassites, Caseyella, Desmoceratinae, Eodesmoceratinae, Pseudosaynellinae, Puzosiinae, Silesitoidinae, Uhligellinae, Wollemanniceras
Subtaxa: Hauericeras Mossamedites
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Angola (2 collections), Antarctica (4), Australia (1), Austria (2), Belgium (2), Brazil (4), Canada (6: British Columbia), France (16), Germany (9), India (1), Iraq (3), Jordan (2), Madagascar (1), Mexico (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (13), Sweden (1), Ukraine (2), United States (18: California), Venezuela (1)
Total: 90 collections including 91 occurrences