Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Acanthoceratidae
Alternative combination: Ammonites mantelli
Synonyms: Mantelliceras alternans Collignon 1964, Mantelliceras ampakabense Collignon 1964, Mantelliceras betiokyense Collignon 1964, Mantelliceras isovokyense Collignon 1964
Full reference: J. Sowerby. 1814. The mineral conchology of Great Britain; or colored figures and descriptions of those remains of testaceous animals or shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth. Parts IX to XIV. The mineral conchology of Great Britain 1(9-14):97-178
Belongs to Mantelliceras according to A. S. Gale et al. 2018
See also Böse 1928, Förster 1975, Kellum and Mintz 1962, Kennedy 1994, Kennedy 2013, Kennedy and Morris 2018, Mosavinia and Wilmsen 2011, Sharifi et al. 2016 and Wright et al. 1996
Sister taxa: Mantelliceras budaense, Mantelliceras camachoense, Mantelliceras cantianum, Mantelliceras charlestoni, Mantelliceras couloni, Mantelliceras dixoni, Mantelliceras indicum, Mantelliceras lecontei, Mantelliceras lymense, Mantelliceras nitidum, Mantelliceras phoenixense, Mantelliceras picteti, Mantelliceras portalesi, Mantelliceras saxbii, Mantelliceras tenue, Mantelliceras tuberculatum
Type specimens:
- Mantelliceras mantelli: BMNH 43940, a shell
- Mantelliceras alternans:
- Mantelliceras ampakabense:
- Mantelliceras betiokyense:
- Mantelliceras isovokyense:
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 29.5
• Cretaceous of France (9 collections), Germany (1), Iran (4), Kazakhstan (1), Madagascar (6), Mexico (2), Mozambique (1), Tanzania (1), the United Kingdom (9)
Total: 34 collections each including a single occurrence
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