Amphipora moravica Zukalova 1971 (stromatoporoid sponge)

Stromatoporoidea - Amphiporida - Amphiporidae

Full reference: V. Zukalova. 1971. Stromatoporoidea from the Middle and Upper Devonian of the Moravian Karst. Rozpravy Ustrednihu Ustavu Geologickeho 37:1-144

Belongs to Amphipora according to V. Zukalova 1971

Sister taxa: Amphipora amplusa, Amphipora aperta, Amphipora ninglangensis, Amphipora ramosa, Amphipora rhapida, Amphipora vacuite

Type specimen: Its type locality is Moravian Karst, upper Vilemovice Limestone, which is in a Frasnian perireef or subreef limestone in the Vilemovice Formation of the Czech Republic

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic


• Devonian of the Czech Republic (33 collections), Tajikistan (2), Vietnam (1)

Total: 36 collections each including a single occurrence

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