Pseudoneocomites retowskyi Sarasin and Schönderlmayer 1893 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Neocomitidae

Alternative combinations: Hoplites retowskyi, Neocomites retowskyi

Invalid subtaxa: Delphinella tresanensis Le Hegarat 1973, Delphinella tresannensis Le Hegarat 1973, Hoplites occitanicus Retowski 1893 [replaced name], Neocomites allobrogensis Mazenot 1939, Neocomites beneckei Mazenot 1939, Neocomites suprajurensis Mazenot 1939, Pseudoneocomites occitanicus Retowski 1893 [replaced name], Tirnovella allobrogensis Mazenot 1939

Belongs to Pseudoneocomites according to C. Frau et al. 2016

See also Arkadiev and Bogdanova 2005, Klein 2005 and Vašíček and Skupien 2013

Sister taxa: none

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 52.2


• Cretaceous of the Czech Republic (3 collections), France (6), Ukraine (4)

Total: 13 collections including 14 occurrences

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