Mesopanorpodes Tillyard 1918 (scorpionfly)

Insecta - Mecoptera - Mesopsychidae

Synonym: Mesopanorpa Tillyard 1918 [replaced name]

Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1918. Mesozoic Insects of Queensland. No. 3 Odonata and Protodonata. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 43:417-436

Parent taxon: Mesopsychidae according to X. D. Lin et al. 2016

See also Carpenter 1992, Hong et al. 2002, Novokshonov 1997, Novokshonov et al. 2004, Riek 1953, Sun and Hong 2011, Tillyard 1918 and Willmann 1978

Sister taxa: Baissopsyche, Epicharmesopsyche, Ferghanopsyche, Lichnomesopsyche, Mesopsyche, Mesoses, Permopsyche, Ptychopteropsis, Sogdopsyche, Tarantogus, Tipulidites, Turanopsyche, Undisca, Vitimopsyche, Xinjiangia, Austrochoristella, Longifurcula, Triassochoristites, Ladinochorista, Forcinerva, Mesotanyderus, Prochoristella, Afristella, Allochorista

Subtaxa: Mesopanorpodes latus Mesopanorpodes shaanxiensis Mesopanorpodes wianamattensis

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• Triassic of Australia (1 collection), China (1)

• Permian of the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 3 collections including 4 occurrences

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