Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Dielasmatidae
Alternative combination: Atrypa biundata
Invalid subtaxa: Fletcherina amygdala Dana 1847 [replaced name], Fletcherithyris amygdala Dana 1847 [replaced name], Terebratula amygdala Dana 1847 [replaced name]
Full reference: F. M'Coy. 1847. XXI. On the fossil botany and zoology of the rocks associated with the coal of Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 20(133):226-236
Belongs to Fletcherithyris according to S. Lee et al. 2023
See also Campbell 1965, Clarke 1987, Dana 1847, Dana 1849, M'Coy 1847, Stehli 1961, Waterhouse 1982 and Waterhouse 1987
Sister taxa: Fletcherithyris antesulcata, Fletcherithyris braxtonensis, Fletcherithyris canni, Fletcherithyris farleyensis, Fletcherithyris galbina, Fletcherithyris hardmani, Fletcherithyris illawarrensis, Fletcherithyris parkesi, Fletcherithyris reidi, Fletcherithyris scotti, Fletcherina zealandica
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (15 collections), New Zealand (1)
Total: 16 collections each including a single occurrence
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