Clausastrea alloiteaui Morycowa 1964 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Montlivaltiidae

Full reference: E. Morycowa. 1964. Hexacoralla des Couches de Grodziszcze (Neocomien, Carpathes) [Hexacorals from the Grodziszcze Beds (Neocomian, Carpathians)]. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 9(1):3-114

Belongs to Clausastrea according to Morycowa 1964

Sister taxa: Clausastrea alnisensis, Clausastrea arnaudi, Clausastrea bellomontensis, Clausastrea bohemoslovaka, Clausastrea bolzei, Clausastrea calloviensis, Clausastrea costata, Clausastrea daschkessanica, Clausastrea dichotoma, Clausastrea dubia, Clausastrea edwardsi, Clausastrea eliasovae, Clausastrea julistephanovi, Clausastrea korthensis, Clausastrea lamellostriata, Clausastrea magna, Clausastrea neuvicensis, Clausastrea parva, Clausastrea plana, Clausastrea pseudoconfluens, Clausastrea querolensis, Clausastrea radisensis, Clausastrea saltensis, Clausastrea superficialis, Clausastrea tesselata, Clausastrea tessellata, Clausastrea topalensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Jastrzebia, Grodziszcze Beds, Carpathians, which is in a Barremian reef, buildup or bioherm reef rocks/conglomerate in the Grodziszcze Formation of Poland

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder


• Cretaceous of Bulgaria (1 collection), France (2), Georgia (2), Poland (4), Romania (1)

• Jurassic of the Czech Republic (1)

Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence

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